Sunday, October 23, 2011


Hello from Australia!

In front of the Syndey Opera House
We have finally arrived.  The flight was wonderful.  Japan Airlines has superior service to any American Airlines and they serve wonderful food.  Once we arrived in Sydney, early Wednesday morning Australian time, Mom and I spent the day walking around downtown and sight seeing.  I will have pictures soon.  Then Thursday morning we got on the train to Cootamundra.  It was a beautiful four hour ride.  Once in Cootamundra we took a bus to Tumbarumba.  When we arrived we were picked up by a former neighbor of Kathrin’s, Heather.  Heather took us back to her house until Kathrin could come to get us, because she did not get our phone call about coming in time to meet us.  We had trouble with the Australian pay phones in Sydney, and eventually Mom was able to get a call through on a helpful railroad employee’s cell phone.  Once Kathrin picked us up, she had to pregnancy test some of Heather and Rob’s cows.  That was a process I was glad to watch rather than do. 

Farmers discussing the best types of grass to plant for cattle.

The next day Barry and Kathrin took us with them to a meeting of their local cattle group.  The group discusses ideas and techniques to have to do with raising livestock.  It was interesting, but way out of my agricultural range of knowledge.  After the meeting Barry had to run to town. 
Tulip, Mom, and Kathrin at the Country Round-Up
On the way he dropped Kathrin, Mom and I off at a Country music Roundup festival that was going on in one of the small towns near-by.  The music consisted of local singers who have written songs about life in Australia.  There were a few people who also did re-makes of other country songs.  At the Roundup, we met up with Tulip, who is a friend of Kathrin and Barry’s.  Tulip is his nickname because while his hair is now white, it used to be bright red.  After the Roundup we went back to Tulip’s for an authentic Aussie BBQ which consisted of steak, onions, potatoes, and fried eggs.  It was delicious.  Then we went back to the Roundup to watch the dance.  There was a DJ, but he played an electric piano and all of his songs were waltzes and other dancing songs.  The pianist was quite the character interacting with the audience, and dressed in bright red with a keyboard tie and matching ski hat.  The dancing was fun to watch.  The dancers were older couples who danced country couples dances out on the tennis court which sufficed as a makeshift dance floor. 
Authentic Australian BBQ



  1. Glad to hear you finally arrived safe. I love those names: Cootamundra, Tumbarumba, Wagga Wagga. Also, it must be spring there. Do you miss Spokane Octobers? We had our first frost today.

  2. I see you met Tulip! Does he still have that old battered hat?

  3. Sounds like a fun roundup. Just like the old days.
