Wednesday, September 7, 2011


                                                    Hi Everyone,
  I am so glad that you are taking a look at my blog.  I have not actually left yet, I will be departing in about 2 weeks, but I thought I would share some of the things I have been up to.  This summer my Aunt Carol, with Uncle Dana's help, has taken me through the Open Water Scuba Dive Program.  And this last weekend she certified me as a PADI scuba diver. The hope is that Aunt Carol and Uncle Dana will be joining me in Australia some time early next year for a week long scuba adventure on the Great Barrier Reef. I did 6 open water dives this weekend and got to see some amazing creatures!   More pictures will be coming.   

  This summer I have also been working (or well some people might call it work) three part time jobs.   I had fun with my two child-sitting charges, Andrew and Taylor, for two days a week.  We painted, went swimming, baked cookies, read stories, sewed animals stuffed with cotton balls, and went for bike rides.  For another two days during the week, I worked for Mrs. Roth on her web-site and new history cirriculum which you can find at .   This summer I helped to finish the Christian Europe and Spanish America Libraries among other things.  And during some of my Fridays and Saturdays I washed and waxed boats with my assistant, David. 

  The other highlight of the summer (and it always is the highlight of my summer) was our Kenpo Karate Spirit Camp.  This camp was particularly special because I was tested and then promoted to Second Degree Black Belt.  Camp was a lot of dusty fun as usual.   And this year I got to meet a new friend from Mexico, Luis.  We worked together during the first class of the weekend, but Luis only speaks Spanish, and unfortunately I only speak English and a little Latin.  Thankfully, one of the other black belts who does speak fluent Spanish came over and was able to work with Luis and translate the instructor's words for him.  But even though we both speak different languages, we still were able to talk through a third party.  I learned a lot from Luis.  First, as you can see in the picture, Luis is a strong, well built person, but he can move like lightening.  Second, even though language is a barrier, Kenpo, with movement, transcends this barrier.  And thirdly, I learned a bit about Kenpo and martial artists from another country.   

I am working on all of the things that I need to get ready before I leave, and everyday I find something new that needs to be done.  But I guess that is the way life goes.  I will be sure to write an update of plans and info before we leave. 
   May the sun always shine upon you, even through the clouds.